Reading Suggestion
Reading Suggestion
While reading this website, you may find a lot of exercises that are referred to. The way to handle it, if an exercise is referred to, given that it is not possible for us to learn a given set of principle instantly, you can simply flag that exercise and refer to it at a later time. Since our learning of a given set of principle takes scaling into consideration, at the time we are starting to learn a given set of principle, our understanding of that principle is not adequate enough to take us to the same level the exercise takes. However as we make progress in our learning and our understanding of that principle, it will be possible for us to refer to that exercise without any issue. For now, you can simply flag any referred exercise and go to that exercise at a later time when it is appropriate.
In terms of flagging exercises, you can have a list of flagged exercises as a note and refer to specific exercise at a time when it is appropriate for you.