Services at Locations
Our Services at Your Location (Country)
Since our understanding of our parent principle does not limit our mobility, as we start making progress learning and understanding the principle, it is possible for us to extend our services to other locations (countries) where problems are identified and needed to be solved; see Principle of Communication exercises 697, 796, 799, 800, 807, 851, 876, 884, 889, and 900 for more information. The way to look at it, since our organization exists solely to solve problems that need to be solved, in order to identify those problems, we need to identify them and solve them at the locations where they are present. Given that it is not possible for us to identify and solve problems at other locations with the absence of our parent principles, as we start making progress learning and understanding the principle, it will be possible for us to extend our services to other locations where problems are identified and needed to be solved. In other words, since the absence of our understanding of the principle limits our mobility; with the absence of the principle, it is not possible for us to go to other locations to identify problems that need to be solved. However as we make progress learning and understanding the principle, it will be possible for us to be present at other locations, where problems are identified and needed to be solved.
Since our misunderstanding of our parent principle limits our presences at other locations, it is not possible for us to be present at other locations to extend our services to solve problems that need to be solved. However as we start making progress learning and understanding our parent principle, it will be possible for us to extend our services to other locations where problems are identified and needed to be solved. For more information about our services at specific location, please contact us. In other words, if you would like to know more about our services at other locations or countries, please contact us for more information.