

To get started quickly, check out the user’s manual available from the download list below. The manual includes tutorials that can be used in real projects and offers sample projects that can be downloaded from the download page. In addition, more books related to the learning of the principles are available for download from The Speak Logic Project Website.  .

The table below lists all the documentations listed above and the reason they are needed. The books are only used if you need to learn the principles without the help of an instructor. Application Modeling Tutorial Communication Domain is the same as Project Modeling Tutorial Communication Domain, while Application Modeling Tutorial Theory Domain is the same as Project Modeling Tutorial Theory Domain. For these tutorials, there is one book for two titles, so there is no need to download both

Books Reason Needed
This five-chapter book is a tutorial that will help you with the design and modeling of your software developments. Chapter 1 enables users to identify the components of the system that is under development. By identifying all the components of the system, it is possible for us to design the system and put it together. Chapter 2 is an application of chapter 1. In chapter 1, we have identified the components of the system, while in chapter 2 we connect the components together.  Chapter 3 is a long chapter with a lot of topics including system requirement, requirement analysis, requirement interpretation, requirement application, theory application, relationship between requirement application and theory application, requirement grouping, sub system relation to requirement grouping, levels of requirement, and more.  Chapter 4 is a tutorial that tells you how to use the software, while chapter 5 approaches the designing and the developing of a software program as a group project.  Chapter 2 and 3 are not included in the electronic version that is installed during the software installation. This book can be ordered from the following link ISBN: 1480083011
This book is the tutorial and user’s guide for the Interactive Project Manager, Project Manager for Visual Studio, Interactive Project Modeling, and Interactive Application Modeling software. The book contains step-by-step examples of how to get started using our software. It is easy to follow and a sample project is used throughout all phases of the book for your convenience. In addition to an electronic copy, there is also a hard copy for this book. If you find it more convenient to read hard copies and you can order one from the following link.

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Understanding The Principle of Communication or Identification and Correction of Error in Communication are actually the same book even though they have different titles so you can download either of them for access to the same product. This book can help with the learning and understanding of the principle of communication. If you want to learn the principle with the help of an instructor, there is no need to purchase this book.

Principle ISBN: 1466477555                 Error Identification ISBN: 1466485000
Application Modeling Tutorial Communication Domain Or Project Modeling Tutorial Communication Domain: Given that our applications depend on communication, it makes sense to model our applications related to communications. This book is very important and is recommended in order to use our software effectively, for application use, and for project modeling. There is also a mathematical representation of this book, which requires the understanding of algebra. You have the choice to download either version.

Application Modeling Math ISBN: 146647873X                       Project Modeling ISBN: 1466478837                   
While we model our application in the communication domain and identify the entities that make up our application as communication entities, we must also understand that a person working on a project has two modes. The person communicating to execute the project is viewed as one mode. The person must also think to execute that project, which is viewed as another mode.  The Fundamental of Communication Book 1 enables the learning of the second mode. The book must be downloaded in order to start learning the second mode of modeling our applications. A mathematical representation of this book is also available for download, and requires understanding of algebra. While this book is recommended, if your goal is to learn the principle with the help of an instructor, there is no need to purchase it.
Book 1 ISBN: 1466480971                             Book 1 Math ISBN: 1466481064
Fundamental of Communication Book 2 extends the learning of the principle from Fundamental of Communication Book 1. This book extends teachings of the principles found in the first set and must be downloaded in order to continue the learning of the first set. There is also a mathematical representation of this book, which requires the understanding of algebra. Download the version you feel most comfortable with. While this book is recommended, if your goal is to learn the principles with the help of an instructor, there is no need to purchase this book.

Book 2 ISBN: 1466481161                    Book2 Math ISBN: 1466481293
Fundamental of Communication Book 3 is titled Understanding Application of Theory and Structuring Functions with Theory. While learning a given set of principles, sometimes it is smart to ask, “When I am going to become familiar with these principles?” In order to become familiar with a given set of principles, you must apply it and use it in your applications. Fundamental of Communication Book 3 is called Understanding Application of Theory and Structuring Functions with Theory and addresses this issue. Fundamental of Communication Book 1 and Fundamental of Communication Book 2 should be sufficient enough to learn the given set, but if not, Book 3 is for you. A mathematical representation is also available and requires the understanding of algebra. There is no need to have this book if your goal is to learn the principle with the help of an instructor.
Book 3 ISBN: 146648151X                                  Book 3 Math ISBN: 146648165X
The Theory Domain book explains to customers how the project is completed.  In the communication domain, our project is a function of communication. In the theory domain our project is a function of what we think. Let’s assume that it was possible to tell our customers that in order to complete a project, we must think. The customer can then ask, “How do you think to complete it.” What is important here is that the question remains unanswered. The Application/Project Modeling Tutorial in Theory Domain addresses this issue and is very important to download. There is also a mathematical representation of this book, which requires the understanding of algebra.

Application Modelig Math ISBN: 1466481714                          Project Modeling ISBN: 1466481889
The Guideline is not required, however, if an error is identified in a communication or application, we may ask whether or not the guideline was followed. Any project we are working on must have a guideline. Since we are not modeling that project, we simply forget about the guideline. It does not have to be a written document, but it can be viewed as an entity that we follow. Being principle dependent, we must follow a given principle to execute an application. By doing this we automatically apply the guideline of that project. When we communicate about a project, and there is no error, then we follow the guideline of that project. Because the project itself or the function of the project is a function of communication, we simply follow the guideline of communication to execute that project. By applying the principle we automatically follow the guideline, and there is no need to for us to have a written guideline. This is why the Guideline is not required, but can be very useful to analyze applications and project communications. The Analysis Guideline takes all the books listed above into consideration and requires the understanding of all the books combined.
Analysis Guidelines ISBN: 1466488417
This book may help with the understanding of the following books: Application Modeling Communication Domain Math, Fundamental of Communication Book One Math, Fundamental of Communication Book Two Math, Fundamental of Communication Book Three Math, and Application Modeling Tutorial Theory Domain Math.  (XALLHRPQ) to receive $6 off from your order

ISBN: 1478235527