Product Listing
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We also offer academic discounts. Please contact us for more information about our academic/educational discount. To receive promotional codes to purchase our products, you can send an email to sales or go to the contact page and contact sales to get your discount code. When you purchase our software, you simply make a donation to the project.
The Functional Project Manager for Visual Studio and the Interactive Project Manager are more suitable for team and group collaboration projects. Rather than acquiring a single copy, it is better to buy a group or team license. For example, a manager who manages a group of employees can acquire a team license of 5, 10, 15 and so forth. We offer additional discounts for team and group licenses. If you need multiple licenses for a team or group project, please contact us.
Software System Design & Modeling V2015
Software System With Project Manager VS
Software System With Interactive Manager
Interactive Application Modeling V2015
Interactive Project Modeling V2015
Interactive Project Manager V2015
Project Manager for Visual Studio V2015
Functional Project Manager For Visual Studio Bundle With Other Titles

$95.97 $139.97 $239.97